FWCG 2022
Sushovan Majhi, UC Berkeley
Carola Wenk, Tulane University
A combinatorial graph \(G=(V,E)\) is called geometric if
IAM (Riesen and Bunke 2008)
Source: mapconstruction.org (Ahmed et al. since 2013)
Given two geometric graphs \(G, H\):
\[GED(G,H):=\inf cost(P),\] where the infimum is taken over all edit paths from \(G\) to \(H\).
\[ GGD(G,H):=\min_{\text{matching }\pi}cost(\pi). \]
\[GGD(G,H)\leq GED(G,H)\leq\left(1+\Delta\frac{C_E}{C_V}\right)GGD(G,H)\]
NP-hard even if
Email: smajhi@berkeley.edu