Rain in India

  • The climate of India predominately depends on rainfall
  • Average: \(899\) mm with variation \(\pm 20\%\)
  • Monsoon is the typical rainy season
    • Onset: May-July
    • Withdrawal: Sep-Oct
  • What is the Monsoon?

Average rainfall across India

The Monsoon System

Definition according to the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD)

The seasonal reversal of the direction of winds along the shores of the Indian Ocean, especially in the Arabian Sea, which blow from the southwest for half of the year and from the northeast for the other half.

  • Only partly understood
  • The most anticipated weather phenomenon
  • The biggest financial bet
    • Affecting the Indian flora and fauna, economy, and agriculture
  • Notoriously difficult to predict

Monsoon is Coming!

Onset: May–July

Withdrawal: Sep–Oct
  • The main objective of the project is develop an early warning system using topological data analysis (TDA).

Nuisances of Climate Data

  • high dimensionality
  • complexity of realistic models
  • presence of noise
  • missing values

Successful Applications of TDA

  • European Topsoil
    • Savic, Toth, and Duponchel (2017)
  • Wildfire
    • Kim and Vogel (2019)
  • Atmospheric River Patters
    • Muszynski et al. (2019)
  • Weather Regimes
    • Strommen et al. (2023)


A chaotic system is deterministic but sensitive to initial conditions and manifests unpredictable patterns.

Lorenz System

\[ \begin{aligned} \dot{x} &= \sigma(y-x)\\ \dot{y} &= x(\rho-z)-y\\ \dot{z} &= xy-\beta z \end{aligned} \] Parameters: \(\sigma = 10\), \(\rho = 28\), \(\beta = 8 / 3\).

  • Chaos is still discernible when projected on the \(xy\)-plane.

  • How much of it still detectable using only a single signal, e.g. \(x\)?

Time-Delay Embedding

Let’s now consider only one signal: \(x\)

The topology of the time-series is shown below:

Sliding Window

We still consider only one signal: \(x\)

Below are the time-delay embeddings of the above windows:

TDA Pipeline

We use overlapping windows to detect topological changes, e.g. transition to chaos.

  1. take the input signal (time-series)

  2. set a window size \(w\), delay \(\tau\), and delay coordinates \(k\)

  3. position the window at the beginning of the time-series, and do the following:

    • construct a point-cloud using time-delay embedding

    • compute the persistence diagram (PD) of the point-cloud

    • additionally, compute topological summaries like persistence landscapes, \(L^p\)-norms, etc

  4. slide the window one-step forward, and repeat STEP 3 until the end of the time-series is reached.

  5. In our case, we accumulate the landscape \(2\)-norms to output another time-series.

The Monsoon Index

The daily average difference of rainfall across \(7\) different weather stations across India.

  • Q: Can you guess the official onset from the signal?

  • A: June 18 was the official date.

Inference using the Sliding Window

Window size \(w=30\) and embedding dimension \(k=2\).

Persistence Pipeline

  • Go to embedding dimension: \(k=7\)
  • Window size: \(w=30\) (delay: \(\tau=1\))

The time-series of \(L^2\) norms of persistence landscapes:

The Onset and Withdrawal of Monsoon

  • Onset: first occurrence of norm larger than \(\mu+c_1*\sigma\)
  • Withdrawal: last occurrence of norm larger than \(\mu+c_2*\sigma\)

\(c_1=2\), \(c_2=1\):

Transition to Chaos

Comparing \(2\)-dimensional persistence diagrams

Future Directions

  • For a working early-warning system, we need a better resolution around the transition period

  • Enhance interpretability

  • Tune the parameters (e.g. window size \(w\), embedding dimension \(k\), delay \(k\)) to minimize false-negatives and false-positives

  • Instead of relying on time-delay embedding, use more signals

  • PCA to project the high-dimensional reconstruction of the phase space to gain insights into the attractors

  • Extend the study to other tropical monsoon systems.

Any Questions?


Kim, Hannah, and Christian Vogel. 2019. “Deciphering Active Wildfires in the Southwestern USA Using Topological Data Analysis.” Climate 7 (12): 135. https://doi.org/10.3390/cli7120135.
Muszynski, Grzegorz, Karthik Kashinath, Vitaliy Kurlin, Michael Wehner, and Prabhat. 2019. “Topological Data Analysis and Machine Learning for Recognizing Atmospheric River Patterns in Large Climate Datasets.” Geoscientific Model Development 12 (2): 613–28. https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-12-613-2019.
Savic, Aleksandar, Gergely Toth, and Ludovic Duponchel. 2017. “Topological Data Analysis (TDA) Applied to Reveal Pedogenetic Principles of European Topsoil System.” Science of The Total Environment 586 (May): 1091–1100. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.02.095.
Strommen, Kristian, Matthew Chantry, Joshua Dorrington, and Nina Otter. 2023. “A Topological Perspective on Weather Regimes.” Climate Dynamics 60 (5-6): 1415–45. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06395-x.