Sushovan Majhi
Assistant Professor, George Washington University, D.C.
I am currently an assistant professor of Data Science at GWU.
Before that, I was a visiting assistant professor at GWU. Prior to GWU, I was a postdoc researcher and MIDS lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley.
Welcome to my homepage. The site showcases my research and software projects, occasional tutorials, sporadic rants, and more.
Contact me at Find my CV here.
Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
Tulane University, New Orleans, USA2020 -
Master of Science in Mathematics
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bangalore, India2012 -
Bachelor of Science (Hons. in Mathematics)
Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira, Calcutta University, India2009
The theme of my research revolves around the mathematical foundations of data science. My research interests lie broadly in the following domains:
- Applied Algebraic Topology
- Topological Data Analysis (TDA)
- Computational Geometry
- Pattern and Shape Matching
- Statistical Finance
To learn more about my research program, visit the research page.
My teaching interests span a broad spectrum of fields—including foundations of data science, statistics, machine learning, computer science, topological data analysis. Here are some courses I have taught in recent years:
- Introduction to statistics (undergraduate, Tulane University)
- Statistics for data science (graduate, UC Berkeley)
- Topological data analysis (graduate, NIT Sikkim, India)
- Data mining (graduate, George Washington University)
- Linear Algebra for Data Science (graduate, GWU)
- Course Website (the course websites are password protected. Please contact me for access)
- Algorithm design for Data Science (graduate, GWU)
- Course Website (the course websites are password protected. Please contact me for access)
Find my teaching statement here.
Software and Computing
I am a coding hobbyist. I enjoy solving online coding challenges. Although Java is my favorite programming language, I usually code in JavaScript, Python, and R. Some of them are listed here.
Shape Reconstruction
To complement my research, I implemented my topological reconstruction algorithm for planar metric graphs in this library. The library is written in JavaScript and made available to users as a web app.
Invited Talks and Presentations
I had been a big fan of Beamer for quite some time. Who wouldn’t be when it comes to presenting slides full of math symbols? Although the math looked fancy and the audience was happy, the \LaTeX-based framework had also disappointed me quite often. I found the framework too restrictive to customize; my slides looked exactly like others’!
Features, that were lacking in Beamer during the time I broke up with it, were shining in Reveal JS. Since then, I have been using it, customizing it, and relishing it. Although, I prefer to edit the source code for my slides in Quarto and output them in Reveal JS format.
List of my talks and presentations:
Jan 9, 2025
Predicting the Onset and Withdrawal of the Indian Monsoon using Persistent Homology
Joint Mathematics Meetings, Seattle
A monsoon is a wind system that seasonally reverses its direction, accompanied by corresponding changes in precipitation. The Indian monsoon is the most prominent monsoon system, primarily affecting India’s rainy season and its surrounding lands and water bodies. Every year, the onset and withdrawal of this monsoon happens sometime in May-June and September-October, respectively. Since monsoons are very complex systems governed by various weather factors with random noise, the yearly variability in the dates is significant. Despite the best efforts by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) and the South Asia Climate Outlook Forum (SCOF), forecasting the exact dates of onset and withdrawal, even within a week, is still an elusive problem in climate science. The onset and withdrawal days can be attributed to sudden changes of regime (transition to and from chaos) in the weather. During such a transition to chaos, topological signatures such as the Persistence Diagram of the system change drastically within a short period. The dynamics of the Indian monsoon depend on many weather factors such as rainfall, temperature differential, wind speed, etc. A good starting point for analyzing the weather dynamics is to use Takens’ embedding on the monsoon index to reconstruct the phase space. Then, we detect the transition to chaos using topological data analysis (TDA) by tracking the history of the death and birth of -dimensional topological features. Recently, TDA has proven successful in detecting chaos and approximating bifurcation diagrams for known dynamical systems, like the Lorenz system. In this talk, we use the historical data (1948-2015) of the Indian monsoon index to Develop an early warning system for the onset and withdrawal of the Indian monsoon. In addition to giving specific onset and withdrawal dates, the proposed warning system also produces statically significant confidence bands (widows of dates) to predict transitions for a given level of significance. -
Nov 17, 2024
Lower Bounding the Gromov–Hausdorff Distance
Tulane University, New Orleans -
Nov 14, 2024
Lower Bounding the Gromov–Hausdorff Distance
Fall Workshop on Computation Geometry, Tufts University -
Oct 15, 2024
A Taste of Topological Data Analysis (TDA): Reconstruction of Shapes
Indian Institute of Technology, Mandi, India -
Oct 7, 2024
A Taste of Topological Data Analysis (TDA): Reconstruction of Shapes
Vellore Institute of Technology, Chennai, India -
Jun 14, 2024
Demystifying Latschev’s Theorem for Manifold Reconstruction
Symposium on Computational Geometry (SoCG), Athens, GreeceAbstract
Topological reconstruction of a manifold from a sample around it is a challenging computational problem, with varied applications in topological data analysis and manifold learning. Manifold structures appear frequently and naturally in many fields of science. Examples include Euclidean surfaces, phase spaces of dynamical systems, configuration spaces of robots, etc. Inferring the homotopy type of an unknown manifold from a set of finite (often noisy) observations constitutes the finite reconstruction problem. Latschev in his remarkable paper established the existence of a sufficiently small scale for the Vietoris–Rips complex of a dense sample to faithfully retain the topology of the manifold. The result is only qualitative, hence impractical for applications. We will discuss a recent development that provides the first quantitative result, along with a novel proof Latshev’s theorem. -
Mar 28, 2024
Demystifying Latschev’s Theorem for Manifold Reconstruction
Montana State UniversityAbstract
Topological reconstruction of a manifold from a sample around it is a challenging computational problem, with varied applications in topological data analysis and manifold learning. Manifold structures appear frequently and naturally in many fields of science. Examples include Euclidean surfaces, phase spaces of dynamical systems, configuration spaces of robots, etc. Inferring the homotopy type of an unknown manifold from a set of finite (often noisy) observations constitutes the finite reconstruction problem. Latschev in his remarkable paper established the existence of a sufficiently small scale for the Vietoris–Rips complex of a dense sample to faithfully retain the topology of the manifold. The result is only qualitative, hence impractical for applications. We will discuss a recent development that provides the first quantitative result, along with a novel proof Latshev’s theorem. -
Aug 23, 2023
Demystifying Latschev’s Theorem for Manifold Reconstruction
Applied Algebraic Topology Research Network (AATRN)
Topological reconstruction of a manifold from a sample around it is a challenging computational problem, with varied applications in topological data analysis and manifold learning. Manifold structures appear frequently and naturally in many fields of science. Examples include Euclidean surfaces, phase spaces of dynamical systems, configuration spaces of robots, etc. Inferring the homotopy type of an unknown manifold from a set of finite (often noisy) observations constitutes the finite reconstruction problem. Latschev in his remarkable paper established the existence of a sufficiently small scale for the Vietoris–Rips complex of a dense sample to faithfully retain the topology of the manifold. The result is only qualitative, hence impractical for applications. We will discuss a recent development that provides the first quantitative result, along with a novel proof Latshev’s theorem. -
Aug 3, 2023
Graph Move’s Distance
The 34th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry
Oct 15, 2022
Similarity Measures for Geometric Graphs
Fall Workshop on Computational Geometry, North Carolina State University
Jan 20, 2022
A Taste of Topological Data Analysis (TDA): Reconstruction of Shapes
ICFAI, Tripura
Topological data analysis (TDA) is a growing field of study that helps address data analysis questions. TDA is deemed a better alternative to traditional statistical approaches when the data inherit a topological and geometric structure. Most of the modern technologies at our service rely on ‘geometric shapes’ in some way or the other. Be it the Google Maps showing you the fastest route to your destination or the 3D printer on your desk creating an exact replica of a relic—shapes are being repeatedly sampled, reconstructed, and compared by intelligent machines. In this talk, we will catch a glimpse of how some of the famous topological concepts—like persistent homology, Vietoris-Rips and Cech complexes, Nerve Lemma, etc—lend themselves well to the reconstruction of shapes from a noisy sample. -
Sep 30, 2021
A Taste of Topological Data Analysis (TDA): Reconstruction of Shapes
Hunter College, New York
Topological data analysis (TDA) is a growing field of study that helps address data analysis questions. TDA is deemed a better alternative to traditional statistical approaches when the data inherit a topological and geometric structure. Most of the modern technologies at our service rely on ‘geometric shapes’ in some way or the other. Be it the Google Maps showing you the fastest route to your destination or the 3D printer on your desk creating an exact replica of a relic—shapes are being repeatedly sampled, reconstructed, and compared by intelligent machines. In this talk, we will catch a glimpse of how some of the famous topological concepts—like persistent homology, Vietoris-Rips and Cech complexes, Nerve Lemma, etc—lend themselves well to the reconstruction of shapes from a noisy sample. -
Jan 21, 2020
Shape Comparison and Gromov-Hausdorff Distance
Tulane University
The Gromov-Hausdorff distance between any two metric spaces was first introduced by M. Gromov in the context of Riemannian manifolds. This distance measure has recently received an increasing attention from researchers in the field of topological data analysis. In applications, shapes are modeled as abstract metric spaces, and the Gromov-Hausdorff distance has been shown to provide a robust and natural framework for shape comparison. In this talk, we will introduce the notion and address the difficulties in computing the distance between two Euclidean point-clouds. In the light of our recent findings, we will also describe an O(n log n)-time approximation algorithm for Gromov-Hausdorff distance on the real line with an approximation factor of 5/4. -
Aug 8, 2019
Shape Reconstruction
Tulane University
Most of the modern technologies at our service rely on ‘shapes’ in some way or other. Be it the Google Maps showing you the fastest route to your destination eluding a crash or the 3D printer on your desk creating an exact replica of a relic; shapes are being repeatedly sampled, reconstructed, and compared by intelligent machines. With the advent of modern sampling technologies, shape reconstruction and comparison techniques have matured profoundly over the last decade. -
Dec 3, 2016
Music, Machine, and Mathematics
Graduate Colloquium, Tulane University
Apr 16, 2016
Computational Complexity
Graduate Colloquium, Tulane University
Sep 8, 2015
The Mathematical Mechanic
Graduate Colloquium, Tulane University